Thursday, September 22, 2011

Ale Yeah! Finished product

This is a vehicle wrap I helped put together for the Ale Yeah! Craft Beer Boutique.
I chose the color scheme and illustrated the characters. A graphic designer at the vehicle wrap store designed the clouds, layed out the text and built the magnetic 3-D barrel.
Overall I think this is a very bright, attention grabbing mobile advertisement for a great local Atlanta business. I was happy to be a part of the project. Big thanks to Eddie, Cisco, Jay, and Jenny.
Stay tuned for an Ale yeah! Jert shirt thats in the works.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

New Flag for the Tea Party

*after some of the feedback I've been getting about this piece of satire, I figured I should provide some reference material for those that might not understand it's meaning.

Here is a link to the symbolic meaning of the phrase "let them eat cake"

Here is a link about the Tea Party's use of the gadsden flag

Here is a video of rich Tea Party Congressman asshole

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Dirty Bird

portrait of a drummer for an album insert I am designing, will post finished product on the blog soon