these are some robot designs I did for a DJ friend of mine from Kansas City that calls himself DJ LeBeaubot. He was looking for something family friendly to use on his business cards to promote his services for events and partys. he ended up using the top robot.
Yeah, a new post! Where have you been?? :)
Nice robots. I, too, like the top one best. Keep up the good work. And keep up the posts! How about some recent caricatures from Six Flags?
That's borderline the cutest shit I've ever seen you draw next to the one you did of me naked... why haven't you ever posted that one?
these are adorable! and drawn well! nice work!!!!!!!!!!!
Those are fun! I think you should clean up your work a bit more, for finished pieces. Your sketches are beyond solid, but the commitment to lines and lack of restructuring and finalizing is hurting the "polish".
Love you, buddy!
The top sketch is the only one i cleaned up and finished, thanks for the crit
oooo I love em! :)
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