barsringhausen germany

P.J. Harvey

Pete Townshend and Keith moon


waitress chick I drew for a free tray of mysterious coldcuts and cheeses


Joe, myself, and Ismael Roldan

Canadian minstrels Bruce and Bob

Sebastian tells Joe how bad he is at painting

ze conference room

german cartoonist Wolfgang Spretzle

Brazilian artist Ique
best workshop ever!!! I loved seeing the familiar faces and making new friends . Many thanks to Bernd, Sebastian, and Andrea. I will be posting more photos from my European trip soon, so stay tuned
very cool paintings! That Kruger workshop must have been great.
love your two paintings of PJ and the Who - nice stuff!
Fuck dude... your shit gets better and better! I fyou ever want to get rid of that Pete Townsend and Keith Moon, I'd be interested once I start making some cash! Miss ya homie!
thanks for the comment. the workshop was amazing as always. If you can find a hole in your schedule this spring he's putting on a workshop in california.
thanks man
what it do mang.
good luck in vegas learning how to be a skinprick. Don't get trapped in the tattitude. I miss ya' bro. tell ariel I said hello.
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