A sweet sketch of me by the AMAZING Hermann Mejia

Me by Jason Seiler

Me by fred Harper

Me with the 2009 Most "Humerous" award... I find the typo humorous
panoramic of the ballroom/ competition room

2009 top ten Caricaturists
People looking at my drawings :)
My competition wall #182
Myself and one of my favorite artists of all time Hermann Mejia, He was very exited to meet me ( but not really)
Hermann Mejia, Jason Seiler, Mad magazine cover illustrator Mark Fredrickson, and Mad Magazine art director Sam Viviano
Guest speakers Tom Richmond, Hermann Mejia, and Sam Viviano
World famous New York illustrator Fred Harper working off of his iphone
One of my favorite artists Seo Kim of Canada
the awesome Aaron Philby
My hero ed Steckley
night-time corn maze drinking party
dudes sleeping 8 to a room ...something that i must admit i am thankfully too old for
Proud papa Jan Op de Beek from Belgium
Beau, Rommel, and Zittman
Seiler from Chicago and Moyse from the U.K.
Korean girl wearing two pairs of Jeans

myself with Seiler and Bluhm

Myself withthe amazing Japanese artist Tomokazu Tabata
some folks playing a japanese game where you must all draw the same subject either as cute as possible or as gruesome as possible
you can look at more drawings of me on this facebook album:
you can look at my competition drawings from the last few years on this facebook album: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=156106&id=1064584576&l=d8a8732abe
and you can look at more of my convention pictures at this facebook album:
great pictures! thanks for posting them, someday i hope to get up the nerve to make it to one of these conventions
Hi Jeremy, many congratualtions on your award. Although i have NO knowledge of the industry you work in, i find your art work very amamzing, intersting, thought provoking. Love your stuff. My Best, JT
Jer! Awesome post! i miss working with u...not the six flags part, but the fun laughey part
Enthousiastic pictures everybody having a lot of fun.
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