Thursday, April 29, 2010

Jert + Pabst

I've just been informed by the Pabst brewery that my piece (pictured above) will be used in a marketing campaign in Atlanta, GA and Pheonix, AZ....Pabst is going to paint it large scale on big walls in hip neighborhoods, you may have seen these PBR murals somewhere in your city over the last couple of years. I'm not sure where the murals are going to be yet here in Atlanta but I've seen them in the East Atlanta Village before so my guess is either there or L5P. If anyone reading this blog is in or around Phoenix, and you happen to walk past this fella please snap a pic and send it my way. Look for these guys to start popping up in May....

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Dropout Boogie- Gusto Lounge KCMO


go to the Super Experts USA
blog and learn how to draw!
It' a website by art experts that want to teach you how to draw.
The unicorn above is student work from the online correspondence course.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Dropout Boogie alternates

these are some alternate fliers and posters for KCMO's dropout boogie

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

How to draw a duck


I just posted a drawing on the amazing Attractive Art Community blog that I am very happy to be a member of. It's a blog that celebrates and encourages art inspired by the female form
Follow the link to the
and take a look

How to make a comic strip

how to draw a majestic horse

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Dropout Boogie

New flier and poster for dropout boogies 2nd venue, Dropout boogie is now playing out 6 times a month