This no good, sorry son of a bitch ran the largest "Ponzi" scheme in the history of the world. 50 BILLION american dollars stolen from investors, charities and not for profit organizations. Yet another relic from the Bush political era of closed doors, secret wars, thievery and lies. Here's to hoping this country club, lilly white, hackjob, cogsucker goes to jail for the rest of his life and gets mouth-raped every night.
amen to that!
some billions more whats the difference?
You NAILED him. I hope he gets NILED in the slammer too!!
You NAILED him. I hope he gets NAILED (missppelled it the first time.) in the slammer too!!
He got 150 years. The dumb news anchor on the news said she thought that would be for the rest of his life. Really? No shit!
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